Friday, August 14, 2015

Middle School and High School Textbooks and Chromebook

The updated textbook list for 6th - 12th Grade is on a separate tab on the blog. Please order your child's books to make sure he/she is ready for an exciting year ahead.

All 6th - 12th Grade students are required to have a Chromebook.  Information was sent in July with the following instructions to assist you in placing your order:
1. Go to the following web page:
2. Add any additional warranty and/or accessories as needed (none are required by us).
3. Adjust the QTY to match the number of 6th-12th Mesrobian students in your household.
4. Click ADD TO CART.
6. Complete the checkout form with the required personal information.  Make sure that whichever shipping method you choose will deliver them before August 24th.